Who the World Is Negotiating with in Geneva

“Each and every day that the barrel-bombing of Aleppo continues, the Assad regime reminds the world of its true colors. It is the latest barbaric act of a regime that has committed organized, wholesale torture, used chemical weapons, and is starving whole communities by blocking delivery of food to Syrian civilians in urgent need.”

This is not my assertion. This comes from a statement made by our Secretary of State, John Kerry, on February 4. Our professor-in-chief, President Obama, has made similar statements in the past, and then moved on to other items on his agenda for the day. Our diplomat-in-chief, John Kerry, makes this statement and then moves on to practicing the art of diplomacy—planning another session at Geneva where he no doubt will be insulted, yet again, by Syria’s thug-in-chief, Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. Continue reading